iPhone Offline Maps for iOS 4.0+

  1. Download map cache files (MapTiles.sqlitedb, com.apple.Maps.plist) and put into a folder, name the folder in simple english. Eg: folder name="sg" for Singapore map.
  2. Use 91 PC client 's file manager (or any other tools) to put map cache folder into path /var/mobile/Media/Maps, create "Maps" folder if it does not exist. You may store more than 1 map, sg, hk, taipei, bj, etc. as shown below.

  3. Set target cache file, Use iFile on iPhone. Go to map cache path  /var/mobile/Library/Caches/Maps/MapTiles. If there is a file "MapTiles.sqlitedb", remove it. Create a new file "MapTiles.sqlitedb", file type is symbolic link, pointing to the path of the actual map file you just coppied into iphone, which should be /var/mobile/Media/Maps/sg/MapTiles.sqlitedb, owner=root, 755. That's all.
  4. To switch map to hk, simply iFile to cache path, and change the pointing path from sg to hk. i.e.  /var/mobile/Media/Maps/hk/MapTiles.sqlitedb that's it.

MapTiles.sqlitedb file must be in v11 for iphone 4 OS4 to recognize, (use any sqlitedb viewer to obtain map version info). If you have the earlier v5 map files for iphone 3GS iOS3, you may use map converter to convert to any higher versions that suits your device.

Here are some v11 maps available to download for iphone 4 OS 4.0+ :
  1. Singapore
  2. Hong Kong
  3. Taipei
  4. Beijing


By: dapenti

iOS4.3.1 Jailbreak for iphone / ipod all platform

Upgraded iphone 4 to ios 4.3.1 today, and jailbreak by little pineapple.
preparation: upgrade itune to v10.2.1,
  1. download iOS 4.3.1 + redsn0w_win_0.9.6rc12, redsnow works across all platforms, iphone/ipod/ipad 大小通吃~ 
  2. iTune: Shift + Restore, select firmware ios4.31, wait until sync completed. exit itune.
  3. Jailbreak: run redsnow.exe, select fw 4.3.1, connect iphone to pc, then power off iphone
  4. check "install Cydia" only,
  5. DFU mode: power (3sec) => hold power + home (10sec) => hold home + release power (10+sec) till u see a change on redsnow, wait till finish.
  6. let iphone auto reboot, setting => disable auto lock, this is to make sure cydia is not disturbed while download / install apps.
  7. start cydia on iphone, it should do an initial system check, dont interupt till checking complete.
  8. add http://www.sinfuliphonerepo.com/ source to cydia, then search & install  appsync, afc2add
  9. done! now can use itune to sync back cracked ipa apps


乔治亚共和国的一位 75 岁的老奶奶完成了让许多黑客望尘莫及的丰功伟业 -- 搞挂了一国的网络。她在自已家名为 Ksani 的村落附近寻找铜线来变卖的时候,意外地剪断了一条供应亚美尼亚 90% 私人及企业网络(和部份乔治亚自已的网络)的光纤电缆,在乔治亚铁路电信找到问题并把线路重新接好前,这些可怜的人与网络世界整整隔绝了 12 个小时之久。虽然老奶奶没有什么恶意的意图(至少不是故意破坏通讯的),但依法仍然必需坐牢三年,目前正在等待审判结果。

有趣的是,2009 年的时候乔治亚才发生过类似的事情,只是灾情没有这次惨重 -- 这种线不是一般来说都埋得很好的吗 @@。
转载自: engarget








军中大哄,一抢而空。时先有谶谣云”若无碘片,再进碘盐”,又有童谣云“痛饮碘酒,亦能避难” 于是盐价升腾,酒水磬净 。曹操屡禁不止,只得搀着典韦的手说:”恶来啊,最近外面风头紧,你还是别出去了……”


Singtel Retailer offer better flexibility / trade-in $

My old 3GS singtel contract reached 17th month, for a handset upgrade, I need 1 more month to become re-contract eligible. (call *1626 to check recontract eligibility status)
Yesterday I walked pass a singtel exclusive retailer in AMK hub, they let me re-contract without penalty, 2 yr plan / new iphone 4 both same price as Singtel shop online.
My 3GS_16G trade-in price to the shop was S$360, $60 higher than hello shop / Singtel website. I was not prepared for this trade-in, didn't backup, I could even trade-in the next day with the same price. happy~
this is the 2nd time I sign contract from tel co retailer, last time was 4 yrs back from another dealer, I got a higher discount % for the plan itself. but u need to ask, because they use official Singtel brochure.
maybe i shall walk pass that retailer shop more often when iPhone 5 launch in Sep?? =P

Cydia Sources

iPhoneTechie: http://cydia.myrepospace.com/iPhoneTechie/
SiNfuL iPhone: http://www.sinfuliphonerepo.com
Hackulo.us: http://cydia.hackulo.us
ModMyiFone: http://apt.modmyi.com/
Weiphone: http://app.weiphone.com (from May-2011 onwards)
BigBoss: http://apt.bigboss.us.com/repofiles/cydia/
91: http://sj.91.com
HacknDev: http://iphone.hackndev.org/apt/
xSellize: http://cydia.xsellize.com/
Ste Packaging: http://repo.smxy.org/cydia/apt/
Steffwiz: http://apt.steffwiz.com/
ZodTTD: http://www.zodttd.com/repo/cydia/
Epelle6: http://elpelle6.com/repo (all cracked)
app.ifonetec.com: http://app.ifonetec.com/cydia/
iClarified: http://cydia.iclarified.com/
iSpazio: http://ispaziorepo.com/cydia/apt
Free Coder: http://iphone.freecoder.org/apt/
Intelliborn: http://intelliborn.com/cydiav/
iPhone Video Recorder : http://www.iphonevideorecorder.com
iFon Norway: http://c.iFon1.no
SaladSoft: http://nickplee.com/cydiasource/
Telesphoreo Tangelo: http://apt.saurik.com/
urbanfanatics.com: http://urbanfanatics.com/cydia/
WeHo: http://weho.ru/iphone/
iAcces: http://www.iacces.com/apt/
Vwallpapers: http://i.danstaface.net/deb/
iphone.org.hk: http://www.iphone.org.hk/apt/
XSellize Normal: http://xsellize.com/cydia/ (no vip)
XSellize VIP: http://xsellize.com/cydia/usuario-password (Must Donate)
Niklas Schroder: http://apt.paperclipsandscrambledeggs.com
lHackers.nl: http://apt.hackers.nl/
RichCreations: http://www.richcreations.com/iphone/apt/
Zuijlen: http://zuijlen.eu
Bloc Apple en Catalá: http://apple.blocks.cat/repo/
comcute&gecko;: http://gecko.pri.ee/cydia/
iFoneguide.nl: http://cydia.ifoneguide.nl/
iPhones-notes.de Repo: http://apt.iphone-storage.de/
iPhone-patch: http://mspasov.com/
iphonehe.com: http://iphonehe.com/iphone/
iphoneIslam: http://apps.iphoneislam.com/
iPhonemmod.br: http://cydia.iphonemod.com.br/
iPuhelin.com: http://ipuhelin.com/cydia/
i-Apps: http://cydia.i-apps.pl/
SOS iPhone: http://cy.sosiphone.com/
Macbury: http://macbury.jogger.pl/files/
MyApple: http://cydia.myapple.pl/
CZ&SK;: http://csid.tym.cz/repo/
yellowsn0w: http://apt9.yellowsn0w.com/
iBlueToothProject: http://ibluetoothproject.com/cydia
iSoftRu: http://isoftru.ru/repo/
David Ashman: http://david.ashman.com/apt/
A-steroids: http://a-esteroids.com/cydia/
AppleNewsFR: http://apple-news.fr/repo/
TouchMania: http://cydia.touch-mania.com/
EasyWakeup: http://easywakeup.net/rep/
hkvls.dyndns.com: http://hkvls.dyndns.com/downloads/debian
Sleepers: http://repo.sleepers.com/cydia
Ranbee: http://ranbee.com/repo/
PwnCenter: http://apt.pwncenter.com/
Redwolfberry: http://redwolfberry.com/rupertgee/cydia/
Darvens Repository: http://apt.guardiansofchaos.com/
IngiliZanahtari: http://apt.ingilizanahtari.com/
iPhone-patch (Bulgarian): http://mc2.iphoneall.org/
4PP13 Team Repository: http://apt.123locker.com
iPhone.ir Repo : http://ir-iphone.ir/cydia/
iRom gba/Apps: http://iromrepo.com/Cydia/gba/
iRom Genesis Roms: http://iromrepo.com/Cydia/genesis/
iRom SNES Roms: http://iromrepo.com/Cydia/snes
Howett: http://howett.net/cydia
Clubiphone: http://www.clubifone.org/repo
Read more: www.iphonetechie.com/cydia-sources/

JailBreak iphone 4/3GS to iOS 4.2.1

Update on 4/4, my iPhone 4 iOS 4.21 was jb by the same greenpoison file successfully.

Just safely upgraded & JB my 3gs to 4.2.1, which looks no diff from 4.1..
  1. download iOS 4.2.1 fw + greenpois0n
  2. iTune: shift + "Restore" --> select fw path --> upgrade ios
  3. turn off iPhone, quit iTune, and then jb by greenpoison.exe (new ip4 takes very long time, as if device hang, just dont touch it
  4. install Cydia: iphone click "Loader"
  5. remove loader from iphone: loader --> option
  6. disable screen auto lock, let Cydia do 1st time check, do not disturb until reboot done.
  7. Cydia add source: http://cydia.hackulo.us
  8. Cydia add source: http://www.sinfuliphonerepo.com
  9. Search and install AppSync for ios 4.2.1
  10. if afc2add was not installed by greenpoison automatically, install from modmyi, this enables installation of sj.91
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