preparation: upgrade itune to v10.2.1,
- download iOS 4.3.1 + redsn0w_win_0.9.6rc12, redsnow works across all platforms, iphone/ipod/ipad 大小通吃~
- iTune: Shift + Restore, select firmware ios4.31, wait until sync completed. exit itune.
- Jailbreak: run redsnow.exe, select fw 4.3.1, connect iphone to pc, then power off iphone
- check "install Cydia" only,
- DFU mode: power (3sec) => hold power + home (10sec) => hold home + release power (10+sec) till u see a change on redsnow, wait till finish.
- let iphone auto reboot, setting => disable auto lock, this is to make sure cydia is not disturbed while download / install apps.
- start cydia on iphone, it should do an initial system check, dont interupt till checking complete.
- add source to cydia, then search & install appsync, afc2add
- done! now can use itune to sync back cracked ipa apps